Friday, December 18, 2009

We Made it!! Our First Semester of School.

We ended our first semester of homeschooling today and I must say it is going very well.  I think all of us have gotten in the rythm of everything. I even have Emma saying at 7:15 am, can we start school yet??  We actually start every morning around 8:00am, sometimes if the kids sleep late we start at 8:30am.  We have a room on our 3rd floor, that is our "school" room, there is a toy area in the corner for Abby and Noah. We are in school for about 1 1/2 hours and then we have the rest of the day to do whatever we need to.  It has also given us the chance to travel and not have to worry about Emma taking off school.  Outside of homeschool, Emma is involved in a montly Art Class on base, jazz class and Girl Scouts.

Where Emma is at right now:
  • knows all the letters of alphabet and their sounds (only short sounds for vowels)
  • can read any word with a short vowel sound in it
  • is reading short words without sounding them out
  • adding numbers 1-10 with 1 and 0.
  • can count from 1 to 100
  • can count by 10's to 100
  • she is also learning a little about the United States of America, Christopher Columbus and the pilgrims
  • knows what a penny is, who is on it and its value
  • knows how to tell time, at the o'clock
  • we have also been learning about different occupations (teacher, farmer, police officer, doctor, etc..) and about a little about health, what to do to stay healthy, etc...
This is our school Room!

Emma working hard at her desk!

                                                            Abby and Noah's play area.                                            

We are now taking 2 weeks off for Christmas, I am glad to have the break, but looking forward to finishing off the year.


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