Friday, December 4, 2009

Noah Turned TWO!!

Well, Monday Noah officially turned two, but Sergio and I joke he has had the terrible two's since he was born!!! JK, we love that little nutball!! It has kinda started becoming a traditional that one of us takes whoever's birthday it is shopping, just the kid and one parent, some alone time, and they get to pick something out, well for the girls' birthdays I took them, so Sergio took Noah.  Noah really did not want to go, we had to bribe him, but once he was gone he was fine, Sergio took Noah to the BX on base, they got a milkshake, some fries and Noah picked out some transformer toys, which Sergio and I were both excited about!  (Usually he is all about girl toys--so him picking out a boy toy was a big deal!)

Sergio was in charge of the cake, which he forgot of course, so he had to run to the German grocery store in the village next to us, and all the had was frozen cakes, that thing was so frozen I couldn't even cut it!! But we sang Happy Birthday, Noah sang along, and he blew out his candles and opened presents, it kinda felt like Christmas the kids were crazy over the new toys!! Noah had a great time, and now that he is two we have started potty training...I am sure there will be a post about that later...

Some things about Noah
  • that little stinker gets into everything
  • if we tell him not to do something, he will turn his head to one side and say "daaad"
  • that smile gets us everytime, he is so darn cute
  • his favorite word is "Emma"
  • his favorite person is Emma
  • he LOVES to dress up--in girls clothes, dance costumes, swim suits, etc...
  • he LOVES chap stick, lip gloss, anything for his lips
  • he can eat 20 sticks a gum and still want more
  • he loves to drink water
  • he ALWAYS says "disgusting" when we change his diaper
  • If he doesn't like something he will say "EEEWWWW"
  • he will say anything we say, he once called Sergio an "asshole", right after Sergio called him one
  • he just started singing Hannah Montana songs...his dad is so proud!
What Emma has to say about Noah
  • "I love him because he is so sweet"
  • "I like him potty training"
  • "I like it when he gives me a kiss before i go to bed"
What Abby has to say about Noah
  • "he bees crazy and stuff"
  • "he was a lot crazy"
  •  "he bees crazy and stuff and alot of things"

Even though he is a handful, we couldn't imagine our lives without that little stinker.  Happy Birthday NOAH!!


  1. Happy Birthday Noah!!

    Love, Greg, Kelly and Brianna

  2. OMG!!! He is the most adorable stinker!!! And that SMILE!!! Our birthday present is late as usual but it is in the mail!!! Looks like everyone had a great time at the birthday party!! Happy Birthday Noah!!
    Aunt Dee, Uncle Trent, Nicole, Bailey, Cole and Austin
