Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!  We started ours out on Christmas Eve by visiting Santa and then attending mass on base, and then the kids opened up 1 present each and we played games the rest of the night, it was a great night!!  Emma was soooo excited for Santa to come.

Then the big day arrived, Emma of course was the first to wake up, soooo excited we ended up waking Noah up, and this is what Santa left them..




We then got to the fun stuff!!! The kids loved all their presents and have not stopped playing with a single one since they opened them.  That day for lunch we ate lunch on base at the dining facility with Sergio's boss, Col Lancaster and her husband, we had a great time and spent the rest of the day at home together.  It was a great Christmas!!!

We want to Thank all of our friends and family for the gifts and cards!!! Hopefully next year we will be a little closer to home! 


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a merry Christmas !!! We missed all of you! Dee
