Friday, December 18, 2009

Salsa and Margarita Night!!!

Is is Friday and we are having Margaritas and homemade Salsa.  This salsa is sooooo good and soooo easy to make I thought I would share it...

-1 can Hunts whole tomatoes
-1-2 jalapenos
-1/2 onion
-1 clove garlic
-salt to taste
-lime juice to taste
-handful of Cilantro
 Put everything in a food processor, and pulse, I guess you could use a blender just don't blend it for long, turn on and off the blender really fast.  It is also better if you refrigerate for a couple hours.

                             And of course with homemade salsa you HAVE to have Margaritas

Have a good weekend everyone!!!


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