Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Decorating for Christmas...

This past thursday we went and picked out our tree for Christmas...we got our tree on base from the Boy Scout troup.  Every year since we have been in Germany we have put our tree on top of Sergio's junker BMW, but since this year we don't have it and have the Smart car instead we decided we would put it on top, it worked just fine...The boys scouts had to go get their moms' to take pictures that thought it was so cool, and definetly the smallest car they have put a tree on top of.

After getting the tree home it has become traditional to get pizza and decorate the house for xmas, of course with Christmas music playing, this year it was Barney's Christmas!!!  Noah really got into it, since music was playing he of course had to go get into a swimsuit, dress and run around the house ringing the bells!!!  Emma was a big help decorating this year, and she even helped vacuum afterwards.  Abby pretty much just decorated the door with stars!!!

Now we are all ready for Christmas, if only we would get some snow!!! 



  1. I sure miss when my kids were excited about decorating for Christmas! All they do now is complain about carrying all of the stuff up from the basement and complain that I have too much junk!! I wonder what they would say if I didn't decorate anything?? Hope you guys get some snow - if not you can come back to Iowa and we will share ours with you!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!! Dee

  2. Are you guys bringing the smart car back to the states when you come back?-Diana
