Friday, December 4, 2009


So after Thanksgiving we had a three day weekend, so we thought we would take a trip to Prague in the Czech Republic, it is about 5 hours driving, I found an awesome hotel for $85 a night, with two beds, a kitchen, we piled in the car Friday morning and drove it Prague, and we had a great time, the buildings were amazing, it was a little cold but not too bad, it was also the start of their Christmas market so we also had a chance to see the opening, which was crazy with people, drank some Gluwhein and had a great time.  Two of our friends were also visiting the same time, so we met up with them on Saturday.  And on the way home on Sunday we stopped at a town called Pilzen in the Czech Republic and then again at Nurembourg, to see their Christmas Market. Overall it was a very good trip, the kids were awesome in the car, and I am very glad we went.  Oh, and Sergio was glad he got to eat at Mcdonalds in yet another country..I think it brings his total to 14 countries.  Anyways here are some photos of our trip.


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