Friday, December 18, 2009

Our First SNOW!!!

We woke up Sunday monring to a light dusting of snow on the ground!!! The kids were very excited, jumping up and down, especially Noah, even though there was not much on the ground, we of course had to go outside, Emma was dying to make a snowman.  Here are some pictures of our fun filled morning,  It is Thursday and there is still a bit of snow on the ground, and it is supposed to snow some more this weekend, we hope we can get more, so that we can go sledding

This little stinker is just the cutest little thing all bundled up in his winter coat, he loved the snow, in fact when everyone else came in, Emma and him wanted to stay out longer

Emma also loved playing in the snow, what little we had of it,  She had fun making a small snowman and having a snowball fight with Sergio. Abby just played on her own, and wanted to come inside after about 5 mins, which is so Abby!

Not as much snow as Iowa, but the kids loved playing in it just the same, Hope everyone is staying warm.


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