Sunday, January 24, 2010

Swim Day!!!

So...the weather around here has been very very gloomy, like I am talking no sun for about 3 weeks maybe longer I kinda lost count.  I can tell a difference in the kids when we don't see sunshine for this long, so I asked Abby what would make her feel better and she said going swimming, well I can't really take all 3 kids swimming by myself, so I THOUGHT I had a wonderfull idea by bringing in the outdoor plastic pool into the house.  We have tile floors so I thought what could it hurt right?  Well the kids loved it and had a great time, Noah didn't quite get it why he couldn't be throwing water outside the pool.  About an hour into it I noticed a pool of water on the floor, well it turns out the pool had a small hole, so I just put towels around it, by the end of the day it was getting worse so we had to take it out, lesson learned!!!  Anyways it did lift their spirits they had a good time, they even pretended the sun was out, they were wearing sunglasses, sun hats and were laying out!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!!! Too cold in our house - still no power - It's now Monday and we have been out since last Wednesday - Trent finally hooked up my office today but had to shut off everything else all we have is a few small generators. Snow and wind today - another day of no school - I think we are up to 11 days now to make up!! Maybe your little swim day will bring the sun out!! Dee
