Thursday, January 14, 2010


I haven't blogged in awhile because we really haven't done anything lately.  We are saving up for our trip to Rome in Feb or March so we have been staying home alot and playing out in the snow alot.  Yes, we finally got some snow, quite a bit of it too!! Emma loves it she will just go outside and roll around in it, she cracks me up. I have been spending my time trying to catch up on scrapbooking, I want to be caught up by the time we move, right now I have all three kids caught up until March 09...ugh I have a lot more to do.  Also the father daughter ball on base is coming up in Feb so I have decided to make Abby's and Emma's dresses.  After laying out the 4.5 yards of chiffon of Emma's dress, I asked myself  what had I gotten myself into, but it is almost done and is looks cute!! You will see pictures up soon.

On another note...Everytime the kids say something funny I try to write it down so I do'nt forget it, so here is a list of some of the wacky things they say...the is probably about a months worth. 

While driving past the hospital where Noah was born...
Emma, "Abby you can have  a baby too when you get older"
Abby, "No, Emma, I am going to have a car"
Emma, "Abby, you can just have the van when you get older, if we still have it"

(I like the way Emma thinks)

While sitting on the couch watching "The Grinch who Stole Christmas"
Abby, "Do we have balls inside us?" Pointing to her forehead
Me, "no, Abby we do not have balls inside us"
Abby, "We just have bones?, what else do we have?"
Me, "Yes, we have bones and muscles and blood"
Abby, "and water"
Me, "Yes Abby we do have water, very good"
Abby, "Yeah, because of  the swimming pool"

Emma was getting Noah some lunch...

Emma, "Noah do you want this cheese, with holes in it, the kind that mice eat?
Noah, "Yeah"

Waiting in traffic to get off base,
Abby, "mom, just drive on top of the cars"
Me, "Abby I can't just drive on the cars, I have to wait"
Abby, "mom, just do it"

Eating French Fries
me, "Emma do you like those french fries?"
Emma, "yes, don't you"
Me, "no, i think they taste gross"
Emma, "Mom, you are out of your mind"

On a side note, Abby informed us this morning that she wants to be a sander when she grows up!!!

Hope everyone is having a good week, and I hope the snow has finally stopped for all of you in Iowa.


1 comment:

  1. Wish I was smart enough to write stuff like that down when my kids were growing up! That is so gosh darn cute!! Waiting for the ice tonight and tomorrow - sure hope they are wrong!! I would much rather have a foot of snow! Dee
