Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The weekend after Christmas, we needed to get out of the house, if you know our family, you know we are always on the go...so we decided to go to an indoor snow hall.  It was about an hour and half from our house, and it was indoors, they had a small hill for sledding, a bigger hill for children's skiing and a really big hill for adult skiing.  Sergio decided to snowboard but after one pass down the kiddie hill, he decided to switch to skiis. This was Emma's first time skiing, she had a blast and didn't want to leave.  Abby also had a blast sledding the entire time, nonstop.  Noah on the other hand was not too happy, he was cold and kept on crying that his ear hurt, well come to find out on Monday that he had two ear infections, whoops!! Despite that we had a great time.  These are some photos of our adventure.

All ready to go!

And she is off!!! She did great, even when she did fall!!!

This was Abby's face the whole time!!! And this was Noah's face the whole time!!!


  1. Sounds like you need some of our snow! But definitely not the temperatures ( Below zero for highs) Noah would definitely not like that! Looks like everyone else had fun. When we went sledding the boys set up their ice fishing shack and we put a heater in it. Noah would like that! Dee

  2. That looks like a lot of fun!-Diana
