Friday, January 29, 2010

Emma...the meaning is "whole or complete"  to us she is sweet, kind, helpful, happy, a little high maintenance, and at times goofy.  Here are some things about our little Emma who is not so little anymore!!

  • she is 5 1/2 yrs old
  • she sometimes acts just like her dad, as you can see in the picture!
  • her favorite subject in school is math, she loves adding
  • every single night she ASKS to go to bed (usually around 730-800)
  • she has seconds every single night for dinner
  • she likes to be in control
  • she always eats the healthy food on her plate before the junk food (she will eat turkey sandwich before she eats her chips)
  • always asks me if a certain food is healthy or not
  • LOVES snow
  • LOVES sunshine
  • every single night before bed I HAVE to say I will give her a hug and kiss before I go to bed, if I don't she cannot go to sleep
  • her best friend is our old neighbor Livia
  • loves hearing Children Bible stories, and wants me to read her one every night.
  • loves McDonalds cheeseburgers, and takes little bites when she eats them, because she says she doesn't want to eat it all because it is so good, she savors every bite.
  • she has the craziest hair in the world!!! It cannot be tamed!
  • likes to do anything "mom" likes to do
  • hates it when Daddy goes on a trip...cries every time
  • LOVES Jazz class, and asks me all the time if it is Wednesday yet.
  • she just learned how to use Heely's and will wear them and skate for about 5 hours every day in the house. (thank goodness for tile floors)
  • hates dissapointing mom.
  • loves to make her mom happy, and will help clear table, pick up toys, etc without being told
There are a billion  more things about Emma, but these are just a few...She is such a happy girl, who loves her brother and sister to death!!!!

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