Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have been doing LOTS of Sewing lately, Sergio bought me an awesome sewing machine for xmas and it makes sewing that much easier so therefore I am addicted even more to sewing.  Here are some things I have been working on.
Skirts for the girls, I had some left over fabric so I made a little skirt for their babies


Christmas outfits for the girls, I bought the shirts at a German store here for 2 Euros and cut a Christmas tree out of the fabric I had and sewed it on!!

PJ's for everyone, I made each of them flannell pj pants and then I bought plain shirts again and used my "new" sewing machine and embroidered their names of their shirts, Noah says "mocos" which is what we call him!! They look so cute on Christmas morning with their matching pj's!!

I got this Womans tank top at the thrift store for $1, and turned it into this...

A summer dress for Emma!! I even made a mini verson of the same thing for her doll with the fabric I cut off, this took me a total of about 10 mins to do!! SOOO Easy!

Another repurpose....This is a tube top type thing I never wear, so I turned it into this

A cute sundress for Abby, I took on of Sergio's white tshirts, cute two strips of it, sewed down the middle of the strips to create ruffles and attached to the tube top, and now it is a dress for Abby, which she LOVES!

I turned this old sweater of mine into leggings for Emma, I just cut off the sleeves and used them as the legs and put some elastic in the waist

This skirt is also from on of my old sweaters, I guess I forgot to take a picture of the sweater, but I used the bottom hem of the sweatere for the bottom of the skirt, cut a square our of the sweater sewed up the side and added elastic to the waist.


                            My last project right now to show you, diapers for Abby's baby, soooo easy!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap!!! We are going to have to call you MARTHA!!! Dee
