Thursday, March 1, 2012

Isabella Jean Rios
8 Months
January 13, 2011

At 8 Months You:
  • are almost crawling, you kinds lie on your belly and pull yourself with your hands, you get up on all fours but go onto your belly to move
  • standing on your knees in your crib so we have to make sure we put up the side ALL the time
  • are saying the sounds, dada, nini, mama (only when you are mad)
  • are still drooling like crazy but still have no teeth
  • eating like crazy too!  You love anything we give you and have started feeding yourself with Gerber puffs
  • we found out that you have a condition called Renal Reflux and need to be on long term antibiotics, but you are doing completely fine!
  • still LOVE bathtime and being outside and you love to do patty cake 
You are growing SOOOO fast, I sometimes wish you would slow down a little, but you are so fun to be around and we all love watching how much you are changing and the new things you are learning everyday. We Love you Bella Boo!


1 comment:

  1. Loved catching up on your life! I need a few new bows for Saylor so I love your new shop! Once I get five minutes, I'm going to order a couple!
    I wish you had more pictures of Misty! I'd love to know how she is doing, what she does, where she lives...she has two boys? That's wonderful!
    Sounds like your life is crazy busy! Take care!
