Sunday, March 25, 2012

10 Months!

Isabella Jean Rios
10 Months

At 10 Months you are

- standing on your own
- walking along furmiture
- daddy predicts you will walk very soon
- not liking baby food too much...loves Chickfila and any "real" food!
- getting into everything, cords outlets, we have never had to baby proof anything with three kids, but now we do!
- favorite thing is the dishwasher no matter where you are in the house once you her the dishwasher open you crawl like crazy to get to it
- spits out food when you are done
- loves the beach and being outside
- two naps a dy
- going to bed around 730 pm and waking up around 630 am
- not saying much but can tell us what a lion says, and sometimes dada, quack quack, wa wa, pa pas

you are growing so fast..soon you will be walking and chasing after uour big brother and sisters...they can't wait!!!

We love you Bella Boo!!!

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