Tuesday, March 20, 2012

9 Months!

Isabella Jean Rios
February 13, 2012
9 Months

At 9 months you:

- crawling all over the place
-pull youself to standing position
-taking 2 naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon
-going to bed at around 7:30 pm
-still waking up between 2 and 4 time every night
-working on two bottom teeth but they haven't stuck through yet
-loves to be outside
-loves playing with Emma, she always makes you smile no matter what!
-picking up everything and anything on the floor and putting in your mouth...We really have to watch you!

You are changing every day!  Still not talking much but we can tell you are going to be a handful once you start walking, you are into EVERYTHING!!

We Love you Bella Boo!!


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