Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hello Everyone,

Well I haven't blogged lately because nothing really has been going on here...a lot of staying at home, watching the olympics, sewing, a few visits to the backyard, but other than that nothing...I did make these adorable dolls for the girls, I saw the tutorial on and thought they were so cute, so I ordered my fabric and finally got it this week, it was a fun project because the girls got to pick out the fabric for the dolls' clothing, and the fabric for their bags, they actually did a really good job, and I have a lot of leftovers to make more as gifts...

ok so maybe no pictures, I can't figure our how to get them on here from our new IMAC...Sergio will have to fix that. (ok, kinda fixed it, formatting is all off--will fix that later)

Abby Playing with them when we went out to eat!

Well, Today we are headed off to find a dining room table, we REALLY need one, we are a family of five and only have a table that will fit 4...not working too well...we went to Belgium last Friday because they are SUPPOSED to have an awesome furniture store there, so we drove 1 1/2 hours in the rain and get there, totally did not look like the picture and a lot of the furniture was marble, marble couches, marble tables, and lots of glass...not really our style, so today we are headed to a furniture store here that we love and hope to find something.  After that Emma has her Girl Scout Derby Race!!! She is so excited she painted her car herself...we will post pictures (hopefully) later today!

I Hope everyone is having a great weekend and hopefully I will post some pictues later today!


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