Monday, February 15, 2010


Monday was a holiday so Sergio didn't have to go to work, so we decided to go to a Fasching Parade in Mainz, Germany which is about 45 mins from our home.  Fasching is a very big thing in Germany.

"Fasching is Germany's carnival season. It starts on the 11th day of November at exactly 11minutes after 11am and ends at the stroke of midnight on Shroud Tuesday - often referred to as Fat Tuesday (the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). Fasching is more or less a Roman Catholic and Christian Orthodox celebration and most Protestant and non-Christian areas do not celebrate it"

Anyways a lot of people get dressed up like Halloween, there is lots and lots of drinking, a parade with floats and people throwing candy, etc, etc...We have never been to a parade and thus this being our last year we decided to go, however it was extremely cold and snowing, not usual (this year winter has not been good)  we decided to go anyways, everyone wore 4 shirts, a sweatshirt, tights, leggings jeans, a couple pair of socks, etc, etc..and we were still cold, well except for Abby because in Abby style she stayed in the stroller the whole entire time covered up in  a blanket.  We didn't stay for the whole parade because poor Noah was shaking he was soooo cold.  Emma had lots of fun and caught some cookies and candy.  Here are some pictures of  the parade...

Before the parade, freezing our butts off!!!


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