Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Assault on Mrs. Rios"

Last night was very eventful to say the least...

The kids, Sergio and I were shopping at the BX (like a walmart type store) on base, I had the shopping cart and was walking down the aisle, Abby was hanging on to the side of the cart and was hanging off of it, I saw a lady coming so I told Abby to watch out because she is going to hit the lady, as the lady passed us she hit me really hard on my arm and told me "to get the F*** out of the way", and proceeded on yelling and cussing...Well to say the least Sergio was not happy, so he went after the lady and confronted her as to why she hit his wife?  She cussed at him some more. and they had a screaming fight.

So...after getting store security, who could do nothing, Sergio followed her out of store, while the cops were called, he followed her out to her car, and finally the cops had arrived however the woman was already driving off in her car, the police followed her but she would not stop, so they ended up closing all gates going out of the base to stop this lady.

Then...after about 30 mins I was told I had to go with a police officer to go identify this lady, so I went with the police officer in the car, with the lights flashing, and I identified her, and yes it was the same lady who hit me in the BX. 

Well, it ended up the lady getting arrested by German police, I had to make a statement to police, and she is barred from base. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention..all I kept telling Sergio was that I have to go home, I have a chicken in the oven, so I was planning on getting home at around 6:00pm, we ended getting home around 9:00 pm, thankfully the chicken was not burnt!!

It was a very eventful night, one I am sure we will never forget!!



  1. Holy crap!! Sounds like that lady was psycho!! What did the kids think???

  2. By the way, it's Dee making the last few comments!

  3. Oh my gosh!!!! That's crazy! Thank goodness she didn't get anymore physcho than she already was!! Unreal...


  4. Yeah, It was crazy...the kids especially Abby kept on saying "why did that lady hit you?"


  5. That is crazy!! Funny, but crazy, Iwould have punched her back!
