Friday, December 4, 2009


Ok, so I have a little catching up to do..I am thinking we just need to stay home a little, jeez!!
For Thanksgiving this year, Sergio (who is in charge of the dining facilities on base) had to work or make sure everything was running smoothly. The dining faciliites on base offer Thanksgiving dinner to everyone, Military, Dependents, Civilians, etc.. and it is really cheap, my carrots cost something like $.15!! Also General Brady, the 4 Star General was serving at the time we went, and Emma was getting her food from him, and she received a coin from him!!! Which is really cool!!!  In the military collecting coins is a big deal, from various people, so for Emma to receive one from a 4-Star General is neat.

Holidays are always hard being away from family, We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving wherever you were!  -Darcy

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had enough food to feed an army - Looks like everyone had a good time! That coin is really cool too!
