Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Birthday Party and a Quilt!

So...Emma has this stuffed animal "Beary", that used to be Sergio's when he was little, and Sergio told Emma that it was Beary's birthday so Emma said she had to have a party for "Beary".  I am thinking ok, fine whatever you want to do, well Sergio encourages her by buying bday supplies telling her we need a cake, presents, etc...So "I" think he was a little crazy to have all of this for a stuffed animal, but the kids had lots of fun!  Here are some picture of our night!

My Second quilt is finished, yeah!!! This one was a little easier I used the same fabric (Figgy Pudding by Moda) just a different design.  This one is going to be a Christmas present.  IT is not too big, just big enough to lay on the couch with!  (pictures are a little crooked..Emma was my picture taker)



  1. What a blast!! What is Noah wearing?????? Looks like a little nighty?????

  2. That was my comment earlier about the nighty. But I forgot to comment on the quilts! Awesome!!! Dee
