Tuesday, January 31, 2012


October 1, 2011

Ok, I am little behind and forgot a few things along the way, so I am going to try to catch up in order.  Back in October my sister Dana got married and guess what I was in the wedding!!!!! We were all so excited, the kids were super excited to go to Iowa, they just LOVE Iowa for some reason, I think it is all the cousins they have!!! And we were lucky enough for Sergio to be able to go with us.  We only went for a week because we were taking the girls out of school.  It was a very busy week with lots to do, but the wedding was absolutlely gorgeous and we had so much fun!!!

Bella's first Airplane Ride, she did awesome!!

 Rehearsal, ALL my sisters, LOVE IT!

 The Bride...Stunning!

 Me and my hunky husband :)

 My little sister, Dana and I right before the wedding

 Uncle Travis and Bella

Limo Ride, Me, Donita, Diana and Dee!

 Smith Family Picture!!

 Aunt Debbie with Abby and Emma dancing like crazy!


My Dad and Bella!

Congratulations Dana and Adam, Thank you SO much for letting us be a part of your  special day, We Love you guys!!!


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