Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011!!

This years Christmas was interesting to say the least!!! It started off nice and quiet, since we just went to Lake City, IA in October we opted to stay home this year, so it was just us at our house, which was kinda nice for a change.

On Christmas Eve we went to mass which was insane!! Super packed but luckily we found seats, then after mass we went home to have ham which had been in the crockpot ALL day and homemade rolls! So yummy and the kids got to pick one present to open, then we played games, it was a great night to stay home!

Christmas Morning!!! Of course Bella is the first to wake up!! But soon after all the kids woke up except Abby!! Emma and Noah were super excited to see what Santa had brought them but Abby not so much, Emma tried to wake her up and she told Emma she wanted to sleep more, LOL!!! Only Abby, finally she realized it was Christmas and got up!  We then spent the morning opening presents and playing with toys.

finally at about 10:30 or so Emma finally saw that Santa had left them something in the backyard, A TRAMPOLINE!!!!! They were sooooo soooo excited they all ran out side and started jumping!

Soon after we had a Christmas feast, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, salad, it was sooo good!!! And it gave us a chance to finally use our table we brought from Germany.

The kids spent the rest of the day playing with toys and going outside on the trampoline, in the afternoon our neighbors saw the new toy and wanted to come over and jump, they have a 11 yr old son and 8 yr old girl.  The kids were all having a good time laughing and jumping when all of sudden Noah starts SCREAMING!!! I mean SCREAMING, so we thought he just twisted his  ankle or something and that he was really tired, so we brought him inside and he kept saying that he leg popped.  Well after two hours of crying and him saying this and the fact that he could not stand up at all on his leg Sergio decided to take him to the ER, where after 3 hours he came home in a splint and the Dr's told us they thought it was a greenstick fracture (basically a bend in the bone, not a complete break) but they would have to wait for radiologist to come in to look at xray to say for sure, but of course it was Christmas he wasn't coming in anytime soon.

So we waited, finally on TUESDAY! We found out Noah indeed have a greenstick fracture and would need a cast for 4 weeks!!!

Other than that we had a nice relaxing, stay at home Christmas!! Never a Dull Moment in our house!!!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful family! Love reading about your daily adventures!
