Thursday, October 13, 2011

1st Day of School!!

Ok, kids have been in school for what like 9 weeks!!! I am a little behind but going to try to catch up soon.

This Year I have two kids in school!!!! YIKES! Abby is in Kindergarten and is super super excited, we went and saw her classroom and met her teacher, Ms. Serrano, who is super nice we are so lucky she got a great teacher.

Emma is in 2nd Grade this year, and at their school the teacher moves with the class from 1st grade to 2nd grade so Emma had the same teacher Ms. Moyer which I was really happy about, it was an easy transition for her she had the same teacher and same students in her class.  And this year seemed a bit easier for Emma I think because she had her little sister to take care of.  Emma also got to visit her classroom before the start of school.  (oh, and did I mention my lovely husband was gone during all of this, so I was all on my own meeting teachers, ordering shirts, dropping off school supplies with 4 kids!)

Then the first day of school arrived!!! Emma was really nervous and Abby was super excited.  Emma almost cried, we were a little late so we didn't really have time for long goodbyes which I think helped. But by the end of the day when I picked them up they both said they had a great day!

And we are now in our 8th week of school, (according to Emma) and they are both doing so well!  Emma has not cried once, (which is really big) she has been moved to a special spelling group with harder words and her behavior has been excellent every single day!  And Abby also has been doing really well, she is so excited everyday to go to school, she wants to do her homework everynight, she has already made a ton of friends, she has already won an award (which I will post later) We couldn't be prouder of both of them!!!!


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