Friday, September 9, 2011

3 Months!!

Isabella Jean Rios
August 13, 2011
3 Months!!

At 3 Months, Bella is ALOT more vocal, cooing, and grunting ALL the time.  When she wakes up in the middle on the night, she doesn't cry at all, she talks!!!  She also does not like to lay back, she wants to sit up, but can't yet on her own.  She smiles ALL the time and loves it when her brother and sisters talk to her just not all at the same time.  She isn't sleeping as much during the day she will take a small morning nap and longer afternoon nap and goes to bed around 8:00 pm.  Still waking up twice in the night to eat :)  We love her to pieces and can't imagine our crazy house without her sweet face!


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