Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Noah is 3!!!!!

Our little man turned 3 yesterday!! I can't believe how time has flown, he is definelty not my little baby anymore, he barely even lets me kiss him anymore.  Hre are some things about Noah as he turns 3.

*he loves chocolate milk
*he loves his sisters to death
*everywhere he goes he either skips or runs, he never walks normal
*he has to hang on to his tag on his blanket when he goes to bed
* his blankets have to be facing a certain way when you cover him up
*he is not too good at hitting the toilet when he pees
*first thing he tells me in the morning is that he wants breakfast and wont stop until I get up and get it for him
*LOVES LOVES LOVES to do puzzles and is very good at it
*loves to color and is also good at it
*he says cold, "told" he says pickle, "pitle" he says cucumber "cutumber"
*he is very stubborn just like his Dad and if he wants something he won't give up
*thinks a lot of things are funny when they aren't to his mom
*loves vanilla ice cream
*everynight before he goes to bed he has to give his sisters a hug and kiss...and gets upset if they forget
*loves Christmas and all the lights
*can count to 13...after that he starts over
*hates showers and has to take a bath every night
*recently just knocked his sisters two front teeth out!

There are about a 100 more things I can say about Noah!  He has a lot of qualities that the girls don't have. One thing is for sure when he looks at you with those big brown eyes you just can't help to love him!  Happy Birthday Noah!!

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