Monday, November 22, 2010

Decorating for Christmas!!

Last weekend we started decorating for Christmas, mainly because Sergio is going to be here for the next couple of weekends and we are going to Iowa for Christmas.  Christmas is all of ours favorite time of year. It just gives you such a great feeling.  Even though is was hot when we decorated we still had a great time, the kids wore their Santa hats, we listened to Christmas music (until Sergio couldn't stand it any longer) and the kids had a blast. They were a little confused about the fake tree though, for the last three years in Germany we had always gone to pick out a real tree, but this year being in hot sunny Florida we got our fake tree out again.  Here are some pictures of us decorating!

 Getting out the decorations!

 Sergio hanging the outside lights!

 Kids entertaining themselves while Sergio hangs outside lights.

 I found all three of them on the ground like this, too cute!

 Abby and I taking a break in the was starting to get hot!

Noah dancing to the Christmas music.


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