Friday, July 30, 2010

Noah's New Haircut!!!

It is tradition in our house to have Sergio's dad give the kids their first haircut, since he is a barber.  Emma got her first haircut at Sergio's dad's barber shop in Canutillo, TX. Abby got her first haircut in our house in Orlando, FL when Sergio's parents came to visit.  But since we were in Germany for Noah's first two yrs we had to get it cut elsewhere.  Since Sergio's parents are now here visiting us in FL we knew Noah had to get his haircut.  We LOVE it!!! Sergio's dad who is a professional barber HATES it!!!  We will leave it for the week and before they leave he will give Noah a "proper" haircut!! LOL!!

I know I am biased because I am his mom but he is just so freakin adorable!!!


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