Monday, April 12, 2010

This is what I was doing this weekend...

CLEANING OUT CLOSESTS!!  Well, as many of you already heard we got word that we are headed to Miami for our next base!!  We are all super excited for Sergio this is a great opprotunity for him, and me and kids couldn't be happier.  We are looking forward to warm weather, beaches and most importantly SUN!!!  So up next is getting ready to move which means cleaning stuff out!  One of the big things that I hate doing is going through the kids clothes, sorting, throwing away, etc, etc.  So during the year if they outgrow something or if I buy something on sale for next year I just throw it in this closet and get to it this is the mess I had to deal with..

I finally did get everything sorted and came up with the conclusion, MY KIDS HAVE TOO MANY CLOTHES!!! Oh well, at least I can check that off my long list of things to do!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend, I also have been finishing a lot of sewing projects that were half way done, so i will post those this week!!


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