Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

Out little girl is 4 today!!! As soon as she woke up this morning, we said Happy Birthday and she responded with "mom, are you serious, is it my birthday?"  Here are some pics of our  morning, she wanted to go eat at the bakery so we went to Wasgau and got her favorite, cheese pretzels!!!

More pictures to come later...every birthday Mom takes the little one shopping, just me and them and they pick out their present, so later on this afternoon, Abby and I are going  shopping, she says she wants to go downtown and get some clothes!!!  Should be fun!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Noah...a Smith or a Rios???

Ok, so Sergio and I are having a little debate over Noah.  We all know that Emma looks exactly like Sergio and Abby is more me, but lately I think Noah is starting to look like a Smith but Sergio thinks he is a little Sergio, now don't get me wrong he acts EXACTLY like Sergio but I don't think he looks like him, so we are taking a vote, let us know who you think Noah looks like!

German Night!!

Tonight I decided to brave making some German food, I mean we have been in Germany for almost 3 years I think it is about time I make some of the food!!! So we had Jagerschnitzel and my kids favorite Spaetzle.  I got both recipes off and then were both delicious.

This is the breaded pork loin (thin) breaded basically in flour mixture, egg wash, and panko/cracker mixture

This is the Spaetzle batter (super easy to make), and you are supposed to push the batter through a colander into boiling water.  however it wasnt working for I just put the batter in a baggie and cut a small hole in the corner and dropped the batter into the water that way.  

Me, frying the spaetzle after it is boiled. 

The finished product, it was sooo Yummy, I forgot to show the gravy but it too was super simple to Make!!!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Girl Scout Derby Race!!!!

Emma had her first Derby Race yesterday, she didn't win any prizes, but she still had loads of fun, because she made the car HERSELF, when we got to the race the battery on my camera died!!! OF COURSE!!! But I did get a few pictures of her car before the race...

That is all the pictures I have for now...trying to get others from other parents!!!  OH, and we did find some awesome dining furniture yesterday!!! Not sure when it will get here, but at least we found something! Today we are off to our last  European Bazaar, I will try to take some pictures of all the cool things that they have! Oh, and the sun is shining today, YEAH, hopefully it will be a good day!


Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hello Everyone,

Well I haven't blogged lately because nothing really has been going on here...a lot of staying at home, watching the olympics, sewing, a few visits to the backyard, but other than that nothing...I did make these adorable dolls for the girls, I saw the tutorial on and thought they were so cute, so I ordered my fabric and finally got it this week, it was a fun project because the girls got to pick out the fabric for the dolls' clothing, and the fabric for their bags, they actually did a really good job, and I have a lot of leftovers to make more as gifts...

ok so maybe no pictures, I can't figure our how to get them on here from our new IMAC...Sergio will have to fix that. (ok, kinda fixed it, formatting is all off--will fix that later)

Abby Playing with them when we went out to eat!

Well, Today we are headed off to find a dining room table, we REALLY need one, we are a family of five and only have a table that will fit 4...not working too well...we went to Belgium last Friday because they are SUPPOSED to have an awesome furniture store there, so we drove 1 1/2 hours in the rain and get there, totally did not look like the picture and a lot of the furniture was marble, marble couches, marble tables, and lots of glass...not really our style, so today we are headed to a furniture store here that we love and hope to find something.  After that Emma has her Girl Scout Derby Race!!! She is so excited she painted her car herself...we will post pictures (hopefully) later today!

I Hope everyone is having a great weekend and hopefully I will post some pictues later today!
