Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!!!!

Easter at our house was celebrated over two weekends, because Sergio was going to be gone on Easter. So the weekend before Easter we went on base to see the Easter Bunny, Noah was not thrilled at all,  you can see in the picture that he was leaning...the girls on the other hand loved it.

Next stop was the Easter Egg hunt on base, it was freezing cold so because of that Noah was not having it but he did get a couple eggs, the girls did great, they were searching for the sparkle eggs, because if you get one you get a prize!!!

That same day we colored eggs with good friends of ours, we didn't color hard boiled eggs because Sergio has an "issue" with eggs, so I had to blow out the eggs!!  The kids had a great time, even Noah!

Some shirts I made for the kids, Noah had one too, but he wouldn't put it on...the girls thought they were cool even though they had no idea what peeps were, since we couldn't find any over here!

Easter Morning!!! Sergio was gone, but the kids got some good stuff from the easter bunny!!!  I also decorated the house like a party while they were sleeping with streamers and balloons, the kids liked that!! Next up Easter Egg Hunt!

The Easter Bunny left A TON of eggs, the kids had an awesome time!! After the Egg hunt we went over to our friends Jade and Summer's house and had an Easter Brunch and the kids played!! Even though Sergio wasn't here to celebrate we still had a great Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!


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