Friday, April 2, 2010

Abby's Brithday, Part 3

After Shopping, Abby and I came home to a decorated house, pizza, gifts and cake!!!

Some things about Abby

  • she has no idea how old she is, sometimes she says 2, sometimes she says 5...
  • she can write her name, and is learning to write her numbers
  • her absolute best friend is her sister, Emma
  • she LOVES to play with babies
  • we are always waiting for the way she says things
  • she thinks she has really long hair
  • she loves coffee!
  • she sleeps with 42, 000 stuffed animals
  • she is a night owl, stays up late and loves to sleep in
  • at gym class  she is only kid that listens
  • she is always upside down on the couch
  • she is very emotional when she watches movies, she has cried at Madagascar, Game Plan, Ponyo among many others
  • she has to pee everytime we sit down to eat dinner
  • she loves the stroller, she has seen Europe from the stroller!
Abby is definetly one of kind, we can't believe she is 4!!! Happy Birthday Abby, we love you!


  1. Love this BLOG!!! Happy Birthday Abby!!! Looks like you had tons of fun - so sad that we could not be there to help you celebrate! Love Aunt Dee

  2. Thanks, but I think you are the only one that reads it!!!!
