Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Some more Sewing Projects...


This is a car caddy, it works great for going out to eat...I have given a few away as presents! They are a huge hit!


A Bag I made for my sister Dee, she had mentioned she liked all the pockets in another bag I had made someone for Christmas so I made another one for her in a different color, I love this fabric!!

A birthday dress my niece Natalie and I also made one for Abby because their birthdays are so close

A felt Birthday Cake, didn't turn out as well as I had planned, and was much harder, I think I will stick to sewing!

Noah's CONANDO shirt, in order to understand this you have to be a fan of Conan O'Brien! It is made using freezer paper and fabric paint, this is the first one I made so there a few mess ups!! Whenever Noah wears it, the girls call him Conando, and he calls himself Conando!!

Easter skirts I made the girls...and fabric flowers I added to the shirts!

Some more shirts using freezer paper and fabric paint, these turned out a little better!  It was funny because over here in Germany we can't find peeps, so the girls had no idea what they were, but they love the shirts, they wear them to bed all the time!

This is one of my favorite projects so far, sun dresses for the girls, they got to pick the fabric out, they are so cute and actually very easy to make, I think I will be making more of them since we are moving to Miami!!

I hope you all like some of my projects...there are still more to come! Have a good week!!



Last night, when we went to check on the kids before bed, this is how we found Emma!!! That mask is for one of her stuffed animals!!! We couldn't resist a picture! HA HA!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

This is what I was doing this weekend...

CLEANING OUT CLOSESTS!!  Well, as many of you already heard we got word that we are headed to Miami for our next base!!  We are all super excited for Sergio this is a great opprotunity for him, and me and kids couldn't be happier.  We are looking forward to warm weather, beaches and most importantly SUN!!!  So up next is getting ready to move which means cleaning stuff out!  One of the big things that I hate doing is going through the kids clothes, sorting, throwing away, etc, etc.  So during the year if they outgrow something or if I buy something on sale for next year I just throw it in this closet and get to it later...so this is the mess I had to deal with..

I finally did get everything sorted and came up with the conclusion, MY KIDS HAVE TOO MANY CLOTHES!!! Oh well, at least I can check that off my long list of things to do!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend, I also have been finishing a lot of sewing projects that were half way done, so i will post those this week!!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!!!!

Easter at our house was celebrated over two weekends, because Sergio was going to be gone on Easter. So the weekend before Easter we went on base to see the Easter Bunny, Noah was not thrilled at all,  you can see in the picture that he was leaning...the girls on the other hand loved it.

Next stop was the Easter Egg hunt on base, it was freezing cold so because of that Noah was not having it but he did get a couple eggs, the girls did great, they were searching for the sparkle eggs, because if you get one you get a prize!!!

That same day we colored eggs with good friends of ours, we didn't color hard boiled eggs because Sergio has an "issue" with eggs, so I had to blow out the eggs!!  The kids had a great time, even Noah!

Some shirts I made for the kids, Noah had one too, but he wouldn't put it on...the girls thought they were cool even though they had no idea what peeps were, since we couldn't find any over here!

Easter Morning!!! Sergio was gone, but the kids got some good stuff from the easter bunny!!!  I also decorated the house like a party while they were sleeping with streamers and balloons, the kids liked that!! Next up Easter Egg Hunt!

The Easter Bunny left A TON of eggs, the kids had an awesome time!! After the Egg hunt we went over to our friends Jade and Summer's house and had an Easter Brunch and the kids played!! Even though Sergio wasn't here to celebrate we still had a great Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Abby's Brithday, Part 3

After Shopping, Abby and I came home to a decorated house, pizza, gifts and cake!!!

Some things about Abby

  • she has no idea how old she is, sometimes she says 2, sometimes she says 5...
  • she can write her name, and is learning to write her numbers
  • her absolute best friend is her sister, Emma
  • she LOVES to play with babies
  • we are always waiting for the way she says things
  • she thinks she has really long hair
  • she loves coffee!
  • she sleeps with 42, 000 stuffed animals
  • she is a night owl, stays up late and loves to sleep in
  • at gym class  she is only kid that listens
  • she is always upside down on the couch
  • she is very emotional when she watches movies, she has cried at Madagascar, Game Plan, Ponyo among many others
  • she has to pee everytime we sit down to eat dinner
  • she loves the stroller, she has seen Europe from the stroller!
Abby is definetly one of kind, we can't believe she is 4!!! Happy Birthday Abby, we love you!

Abby's Birthday, Part 2

Every year, I take the kids whose birthday it is, shopping, they get to pick where they want to go and it is just me and them, they love it!  Abby decided she wanted to go "downtown" to get some clothes, one of our favorite stores is H & M so that is where we went, and then of course we had to hit a candy shop on the way out, and then to Abby's favorite store Rofu Kinderland to get her sister Emma something, the whole time that girl just wanted to get something for her sister!! She is such a sweetheart. Oh, and another thing we got to take daddy's SMART car which is always fun!

Next up, Abby's Birthday Party!