Monday, May 23, 2011

Isabella Jean Rios!!!

She is here!!!! A little early...she arrived on May 13, 2011 at 1:01 pm.  It all started on Thursday night I started having contractions but these were different, I started timing them and they were not regular so I tried to go to sleep but couldn't, they were keeping me up.  So by the time it was morning I decided to head on in to the hospital and I was 4 cms dialated!!! So they decided to keep me.  And a few hours later with no complications our little princess was born!

Isabella Jean Rios
7 lbs 14 oz
19 inches

She has seriously been the best baby, she hardly ever cries, she sleeps alot and loves being talked too!! And since I know that this is our last baby we are really truly enjoying every minute with her!!! The kids are also having a blast with their new sister and love holding her!

There will be many more pictures to come!  Now I am off to enjoy my little munchkin!


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