Monday, May 23, 2011

Isabella Jean Rios!!!

She is here!!!! A little early...she arrived on May 13, 2011 at 1:01 pm.  It all started on Thursday night I started having contractions but these were different, I started timing them and they were not regular so I tried to go to sleep but couldn't, they were keeping me up.  So by the time it was morning I decided to head on in to the hospital and I was 4 cms dialated!!! So they decided to keep me.  And a few hours later with no complications our little princess was born!

Isabella Jean Rios
7 lbs 14 oz
19 inches

She has seriously been the best baby, she hardly ever cries, she sleeps alot and loves being talked too!! And since I know that this is our last baby we are really truly enjoying every minute with her!!! The kids are also having a blast with their new sister and love holding her!

There will be many more pictures to come!  Now I am off to enjoy my little munchkin!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

A little Getaway!

A couple weeks ago we decided to take a trip to Naples, FL and just have a nice relaxing weekend, no theme parks, no where to go, just sit by the pool and relax.  I found a really good deal on this awesome hotel, it was the Hyatt Coconut Point in Naples, FL.  We did nothing all weekend except play at the pool visit the beach and well that is about it!!! HEre are some pictures of our last relaxing weekend before a newborn enters our lives.