Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sewing Projects...and other stuff!

These are some past projects that I have done that I have not blogged about, in about the last 9 months or so.  Some of them I have put on Facebook so you may have seen them before.

Letters I made for my great-niece Blair!! I just bought plain wood letters from Joann's and cut out scrapbook paper and Mod Podged the paper to the wood.

 Actually the kids made these!  Butterflies for Emma's wall.  I had them paint paper with different colors then I cut out butterflies and sprinkled glitter on them then laminated them and stuck them to Emma's wall.

 Sock Monkey for Noah!!! I purchased these red-heel socks, cut them up and made them into a sock monkey for Noah.  These Sock Monkeys sell for $15 at Target and I made mine for about $4.00

 Some baby Onsies for relatives.  Tie Dyed some onsies and added Pirate Bling to the red one (you can buy at fabric store and just iron on) same with the white one, just an iron on.  The others I bought this Resist product that you stencil on the shirt that prevents the Dye from coloring that shape. 

 Bag I made for my sister for Christmas!

 Hair Flowers for the girls. I just bought fake flowers (when they were on sale of course) and took each flower apart and then took the center out and glued the flower back together, then I took a plain metal clip and hot glued ribbon and then hot glued the clip to the flower and then hot glued a stone in the middle of the flower or sometimes I used buttons. Super easy to make.  I did the same thing with headbands below, took flower apart and glued to plain headband. Although my girls really aren't into headbands.

 Thanks to my model Abby!!!

 A couple sun dresses that I made for Emma.

 Little storage pouches I made for kids things. These have been great for church. Noah fills his up with toys and takes them to church.  Super simple to make and uses very little fabric and some vinyl and they have velcro to keep them closed.

I have a few more projects I have done just haven't taken pictures yet!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. thank you for making me feel so inadequate as a mother, Darci. I mean, if I get the dishwasher unloaded in a day, I consider myself a success. : ) Really are so talented! Love all of your projects!
