Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Abby!!!!

Today Abby is 5!!! I can't believe she is 5....she just doesn't seem like a 5 yr old...she is going to school next year!!! To celebrate we are headed to a weekend in Tampa with a day at Busch Gardens and a day of shopping!!  Here are some things about our cute, adorable, kissable, lovable Abby!

*She is a night owl!!!! She will stay up until midnight if I let her and sleep in.
*She really is just like her mom!  She seems to like the same things I do.
*She loves junk food...unlike her sister Emma...Abby will always eat the unhealthy food on her plate first.
*Everynight when her Dad comes home from work she has to run across the living room and give him a hug.
*She will try to new foods all the time!
*She is a day dreamer for sure! An accident waiting to happen, especially with her bike!
*She has to sleep with her "nice warm blanket" every night still...and at least one stuffed animal.
*She is not a breakfast person.
*She is getting crazy hair just like her sister.
*She just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!
*She is short!....Noah her 3 yr old brother is just about as tall as her.
*She is a joker...she has her Dad's personality. (she calls her mom who is pregnant...Big Mama)
*She talks to herself ALL the time!!! Especially when trying to go to sleep at night.
*She still does not have her two front teeth that her lovely brother knocked out :(
*She is not afraid of much... she will touch bugs, dogs, snakes, etc...
*She LOVES babies!! She is going to be a great big sister...everytime we see a baby somewhere she is always ooooing and aaahhing.  And she says she is going to change diapers! YEAH!
*Abby has the best laugh in the world.

Best of all Abby is always in a great mood and loves her brother, sisters and mom and dad!!  We love you too Abby and we hope you have a great 5th Birthday!!!

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