Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Abby!!!!

Today Abby is 5!!! I can't believe she is 5....she just doesn't seem like a 5 yr old...she is going to school next year!!! To celebrate we are headed to a weekend in Tampa with a day at Busch Gardens and a day of shopping!!  Here are some things about our cute, adorable, kissable, lovable Abby!

*She is a night owl!!!! She will stay up until midnight if I let her and sleep in.
*She really is just like her mom!  She seems to like the same things I do.
*She loves junk food...unlike her sister Emma...Abby will always eat the unhealthy food on her plate first.
*Everynight when her Dad comes home from work she has to run across the living room and give him a hug.
*She will try to new foods all the time!
*She is a day dreamer for sure! An accident waiting to happen, especially with her bike!
*She has to sleep with her "nice warm blanket" every night still...and at least one stuffed animal.
*She is not a breakfast person.
*She is getting crazy hair just like her sister.
*She just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!
*She is short!....Noah her 3 yr old brother is just about as tall as her.
*She is a joker...she has her Dad's personality. (she calls her mom who is pregnant...Big Mama)
*She talks to herself ALL the time!!! Especially when trying to go to sleep at night.
*She still does not have her two front teeth that her lovely brother knocked out :(
*She is not afraid of much... she will touch bugs, dogs, snakes, etc...
*She LOVES babies!! She is going to be a great big sister...everytime we see a baby somewhere she is always ooooing and aaahhing.  And she says she is going to change diapers! YEAH!
*Abby has the best laugh in the world.

Best of all Abby is always in a great mood and loves her brother, sisters and mom and dad!!  We love you too Abby and we hope you have a great 5th Birthday!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Can Do It!

Abby can ride a bike!!! YEAH!! This is big news for us because we really thought this day would never come.  Abby has been riding a bike with training wheels for awhile now, and she never pays attention, usually hanging on by one hand, not looking where she is going, etc.... So we decided to get out our balance bike that we got while in Germany, it is a bike without any pedals so you just walk with your feet and then put your feet up and learn how to balance. Well...after only about 2 weeks on the balance bike we let her try Noah's bike without training wheels and she could do it, just like that!!  4 years old and riding a regular bike.  She still has her moments and has crashed into a bush or two but we are so proud of her!!!

And of course since I was taking pictures of Abby, Emma needed me to get a shot of her on her roller blades that she got for Christmas!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I know I biased, but look at that face!!! I don't think he can get any cuter!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sergio's Art!

I saw this painting a couple months ago and I love it for Noah's room since I made him a Sock Monkey quilt....but it was $52, which was too much for me, so I thought hey Sergio can paint him one just like it!  So this is the one that I liked

and this is the one Sergio painted for probably less than $10....

Not too bad!!
