Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mom's Visit Day 2

The last day of my mom's 2.  Sergio had to leave on a trip so it was just me and the kids and my Mom, my brother Daniel and his friend Mick.  After convincing my Mom to skip out of church (which was a very hard thing to too) I decided to take them to the quiet relaxing beach that we love to go to, Dania Beach near Ft. Lauderdale.  So we packed out lunches and headed out!

The kids love this beach because there are way less people and it is much easier to keep an eye on the kids.  So as soon as we got there, Daniel and the kids got to work on a sand castle.   The kids went out with my mom to look for shells.  I loved this part of the day because my kids actually got to spend some quality time with Grandma! Usually we visit at the farm, and there are always other things such as work and house duties, here she had nothing to do and it was great!!!

After the beach we decided to head to this place called Boomers which was like a huge arcarde, with bumper boats, arcade games, mini golf, rides and go kart racing.  The kids rode a few rides and spent some time with Mick and Daniel on the go karts and bumper boats.  Then we played a little bit of mini golf, which was more frustrating than anything, the kids had no idea what they were doing, everything was getting a little irritated!  After about 4 hours, I think my mom and I had enough of this place so we headed out, on our way home we stopped to get dinner, we were all very exhausted!!!  It was such a gorgeous night, so Mick and Daniel went out in our neighborhood looking for coconuts and my mom and I just hung out watching the Super Bowl!

Here are some pictures of Day 2!

Even though my Mom and brother were only here for 2 days, I am so grateful they came!! I really think my Mom enjoyed herself and I think she actually relaxed!!  And the best part we actually got to spend some quality time with her which my kids really enjoyed.  Hopefully next time she will bring my Dad!!


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