Thursday, January 20, 2011


Of course the first thing the kids saw when we went to Iowa for Christmas was the snow!! That is all they wanted to do was to go out and play in the snow, in fact within 5 minutes of arriving at the farm they were outside in the snow.

The first couple days there was not much snow to sled on, but luckily the ground was so frozen, that sledding was still possible. They had a blast!

Finally some real snow arrived, it was a lot colder but they didn't care, they had so much fun!

Then Sergio finally figured out how to start the snowmobile and took them for a ride, I think that was their favorite part!

When we got back to FL and it was sunny and low 70's, I told them, "see isn't this better than Iowa where it is cold?" and all three of them responded with a "NO, I like Iowa better!"  Crazy Kids!

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