Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Old Pictures..RACING!!

These are some pictures that I forgot to post back when I was in Iowa in June.  The kids had a blast and I love these pictures.

While back in Iowa we made a trip to my brother, Davids shop where all my brothers work on their race cars, so the kids got a chance to sit in them and see them up close.  While we were also there we got a chance to go to a race, it was a long race but the kids had a blast.

In case you don't know my brothers, David, Dean, Donavon, Doug, Dustin and Daniel race and they are pretty darn good at it too. So whenever we are visiting we try to go to at least one race!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Miami Seaquarium!

About a month ago we took a trip to Miami Seaquarium, like Sea World but smaller.  We thought Sea World it way better but the kids liked it and we can now check it off the things we would like to do.  They had a few dolphin shows which the kids loved!!!  And the best Snow Cones ever!!  Here are some pictures of our day!


I am way behind on my many of you already know I am pregnant with our 4th and final child!  And this one has been very hard, my morning sickness is worse, my symptoms showed up earlier, it has already been a way harder pregnancy.  I am 9 weeks and go to my first Dr.'s Apt today!

We actually found out that we were pregnant way back in September but waited to tell anyone, then I started getting morning sickness so we had to tell the kids...We told them by getting them each a baby doll and we asked them to guess what is was that we were trying to tell them, they couldn't so we had to tell them.  They are all super excited.  Noah won't even lay or sit on my lap because he said he is going to hurt the baby.  Abby kisses and hugs my belly 20 times a day and Emma is my caretaker, always asking if I feel allright, bringing blankets, asking if I need something to eat for my stomach, she really has been very sweet about the whole thing. And then of course Sergio has also been awesome I know I have been a wee bit difficult these past weeks, but he is helping a lot more around the house, cleaning bathrooms, etc, making sure the kids let me lie down if I need too, bringing me really anything I ask for, he has been really really helpful.  

Here are some pictures of discovering we were pregnant and telling the kids.

Hopefully after my Dr's apt today I will have a picture of the little monster to show you!!