Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our First Visitors!!!!

Well we have only been in Miami for a few months and we have had our first visitors already.  Sergio's parents and our niece Vanessa came to visit, we were super excited because we haven't seen then since before we moved to Germany so it had been over three years.  We hung out and talked alot, Vanessa played with the kids, which they loved.  We went shopping, to the beach, out to each, swimming, etc, etc. I think everyone had a great time. Here are some pictures of our week.

The whole gang out to eat on the last night of the trip.

Emma and Abby doing Lita's hair, I think they were doing this for at least an hour.

Emma and Vanessa at South Beach, Miami.

                                   Noah, Me and Abby chillin at South Beach!
                                                     Vanessa, Lita and Lito having lunch.

                                                                    Emma and Vanessa

                                       Our first day together and already the kids loved Vanessa!

                                                              Sergio bugging Vanessa!

                                            Playing twister with Lita, and yes that is Noah wearing a
                                              duck dance costume!

                                         Shell World in Key Largo, FL

                                                             Water Balloon FIGHT!

                                           We went through 100 water balloons!!

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