Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st Day of School!

Today was Emma's 1st real official day of school since she was home schooled for her kindergarten year.

This morning was interesting to say the least.  We were on schedule at home, early in fact.  School starts at 8:00 am and is literally less than 5 mins away from our house.  We arrived at the school 20 mins early and it was crazy. All along the road were parked cars, people walking everywhere, we had to park along side the highway on the grass and had to walk about 10-15 mins to get into the school.  It was crazy.  In 1st Grade alone there are 10 classrooms, which is definetly something I am not used to.

We finally made it into the school and she was a little nervous I could tell but excited at the same time.  We all kissed and hugged her goodbye and she was busy working.  I did get a little teary eyed but tried hard not to let Emma see I didn't want her to get upset, but it was very hard leaving her and I missed her the moment I left!

Then comes picking her, at her school there is one path to pick up in the car you drive up to the curb of the school and the teacher releases her to me.  I thought I am going to be early so I am first in line, so I get to the school at 1:40, school lets out at 2:00pm.  As I am pulling up I see the huge line already, ugh!! This is terrible she is going to be waiting for me, etc, etc....Well at around 2:25 I finally get to the front of the school to pick her up!  That is crazy!! Poor thing was waiting for me along with many other kids, so tomorrow I am going to try to go a little bit earlier.  I guess that is what happens at big schools!

Emma told me about her day, of course I wanted to know everything.  As soon as she got home she said, "it feels good to be home, I was sitting all day"  She said she had fun, but didn't like the lunch it was too spicy for her, they had chicken sandwiches and fries, so she was very hungry! And another thing she didn't like was all the boys in her class, she sits at a table with all boys and she said she didn't like waiting for me at the end of the day.  But she came home with homework,  which she finished right away. Overall I think she had a good day, it is just going to take some getting used to.  Here are some pictures of her first day!

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