Friday, May 14, 2010

Moving Day #2

Moving day #2 went well, started around 9 am and they finished up around 530pm.  The movers were great, they packed our stuff very nicely and covered everything, it was actually the best movers we have had yet.  The kids stayed home most of the day on the second day because it was cold and rainy outside.  We filled up 15 crates of stuff, which is alot when we arrived in Germany we had 11 crates!

So now in our house we have some loaner furniture from base, which includes a table, chairs, couch, beds and some dishes. A friend of ours loaned us a tv. So the kids really have nothing but some crayons, a few puzzles and the tv.  The kids have been very creative with finding things to do, they made clothes our of bubble wrap yesterday and last night they made beds on the floor out of painters tape.  They are being great about the move, except Noah just doesn't understand where all his things are...poor guy.


Tomorrow bright and early we are headed to Rome for one last European trip, and we really need this one. i will post pics when we return.


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