Monday, February 27, 2012

My New Adventure, Sort of....

Well I decided that it was time I needed something for myself, we are not having any more kids and really I just have to be busy all the time. You would think 4 kids, one of them 9 months old I would be busy enough.  But honestly my whole day and night revolves around my kids, my husband, and taking care of the house. I needed something else just for me so I have to decided to start a little business on Etsy, since I love creating things!

My new shop is called Sweet Bella Jean, named after my baby girl of course.  I got the idea from looking at headbands on Etsy for her, and thought the prices were a little high, so I thought to myself I bet I can make that myself so I did, and I loved doing it, so I ordered some supplies off Etsy of course and got to work.

So far, things have to been ok....I was hoping for a little more business, but so far I have gotten a few orders, even one from Australia.  I have even had someone comment on Bella's headband in a restaurant and wanted to know where I got it from, "um, I made it!"  That day was exciting.

So hopefully as word gets out business will pick up!

My etsy shop is

and here are some pictures of my creations!!

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