Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Trip to Iowa!!!

Back in last September we made our trip back to Iowa for my sister Dana's wedding. The kids were Super Excited to go!!

...and it was Bella's first to on an airplane and first time to Iowa to meet all her cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandma and Grandpa.  She did awesome on the plane!

The wedding was on October 1st, and I was a bridesmaid so I didn't get too many pictures of that day!  Sergio was busy taking care of the kiddos! The rehearsal dinner was on Friday night and was a lot of fun!  Those who hadn't seen Bella got a chance to meet the newest addition to the family and Bella was all for it, as long as someone was holding her she was loving it!!

The next bright and early it was time to go get our hair done!! Here we all all, all 7 sisters looking lovely!!

Me and the Beautiful Bride, My sister, Dana!!!


While we were in Iowa I finally got a chance to catch up with a life long friend, Misty Litchfield now Sanderson and her two adorable boys!!! She now lives in Iowa and came to Lake City to meet us for the day! We played at Goins Park, ate lunch and then spent the rest of the day at the farm.  The kids had a blast and I am so thankful to finally see her, it was wonderful to catch up. We hadn't seen each other in about 6 years!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

My New Adventure, Sort of....

Well I decided that it was time I needed something for myself, we are not having any more kids and really I just have to be busy all the time. You would think 4 kids, one of them 9 months old I would be busy enough.  But honestly my whole day and night revolves around my kids, my husband, and taking care of the house. I needed something else just for me so I have to decided to start a little business on Etsy, since I love creating things!

My new shop is called Sweet Bella Jean, named after my baby girl of course.  I got the idea from looking at headbands on Etsy for her, and thought the prices were a little high, so I thought to myself I bet I can make that myself so I did, and I loved doing it, so I ordered some supplies off Etsy of course and got to work.

So far, things have to been ok....I was hoping for a little more business, but so far I have gotten a few orders, even one from Australia.  I have even had someone comment on Bella's headband in a restaurant and wanted to know where I got it from, "um, I made it!"  That day was exciting.

So hopefully as word gets out business will pick up!

My etsy shop is

and here are some pictures of my creations!!