Thursday, January 26, 2012

7 Months!!

Isabella Jean Rios
December 13, 2011
7 Months

At 7 Months you are:
*sitting well without any support
*trying to crawl, but just get on all fours and stay there
*eating whatever food we give you
*always smiling
*not liking the car, so we are thinking of moving you to a bigger car seat
*still loves Baby Einstein and starting to watch Barney
*still waking up between 2-4 times a night to eat.
*goes to bed around 7 and wakes up between 6-7.
*still loves the bath
*still only says dada!!!

You are growing soooo fast, we can't believe it!!! You are truly a joy to be around every single day and true blessing to our family!! We love you Isabella!!


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