Friday, November 19, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Visits....



Well, out little 4 yr old is going to be toothless for a couple years :(  A couple weeks ago her and Noah were playing, holding on to each other in a store, Noah was behind her giving her a hug holding her arms and she tripped and fell flat on her face, she immediately started screaming and I saw blood, but just thought she had busted her lip like so many times before.  So I gave her a napkin and told her it would be fine, well as I was checking out she said her teeth I checked and sure enough her front tooth was very very loose.

So we waited a couple days and thought maybe the tooth we "re-root" itself but no such luck it was still very loose and she said it hurt, so we took her to the dentist and found out that the tooth had broken at the root and had to be pulled!  So a week later her appointment was set to  pull her tooth. She was actually totally fine with it.

A couple days before her appointment she was eating a muffin and the tooth fell out!  We took her to the  dentist and he did an xray and told us the root was still stuck up in her gum and had to be taken out, ugh!

So her appointment day arrived they put her under got the root part out and discovered the other tooth right next to the one that fell out had fractured at the root as well and needed to come out, so they took it out as well.

So now we have out little Abby with no two front teeth!  She doesn't care though, which is good. I just hope it doesn't affect her speech and hopefully no one will make fun of her.

So Abby got her first visit from the tooth fairy a little early, and she got $31!!! I wish I got that kind of money when I was growing up!  But I guess the tooth fairy felt sorry for her having to get her teeth pulled.

So that was our week last week!  How was yours????


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