Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Emma!!!

July 31, 2004, today is Emma's 6th birthday!!! I cannot believe she is 6 years old already, time has flew but we have done A LOT in 6 yrs.  We have moved 3 times and lived in a different country.  Now my baby is grown and since she was homeschooled for her kindergarten year, this will be her first year in a real school, my baby is all grown up!! We started her birthday celebration yesterday, every year I take whose ever birthday it is shopping, but since we had in laws in town we all went shopping and Abby and Noah gave Emma a birthday card full of money for her spend on her shopping spree.  She was sooo happy because that is what she wanted.  So we had a fun filled day of shopping a great outlet mall!! We even made a trip to Build A Bear where all the kids got their bear.  Then we ended the day at Cheesecake Factory where the waiters sang Happy Birthday to Emma. Today on her birthday we are taking Emma to Key Largo in hopes to do a little snorkeling and a little birthday cake afterwards.  Here are some things about Emma:

*mommy's little helper, always
*is a clean freak!  Won't touch bathroom doors in public places with her hands
*is a health freak!
*LOVES the beach!
*always helps Abby get buckled in the car
*every night asks to go to bed
*Loves I Carly
*no longer likes toys, but now likes clothes, shoes, hair things, makeup, etc...she is grown up
*mom still has to say that I will give her a hug and kiss before I go to bed, every night or she cannot go to sleep
*wishes her hair was straight
*LOVES the sun!!!
*loves to teach her brother and sister how to write, how to read (but they usually don't listen)
*her first tooth is loose, not gone yet but loose and she is so excited, she says it is loose because she eats healthy!!!
*now that she is 6, she thinks she is taller, heavier, stronger, and that she can do anything because she is "6"

Anybody that knows Emma, knows she is sweetest, kindest, happiest big girl in the whole world!!! We love you Emma.   Happy Birthday!!!!

Love, MOM

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