Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

Out little girl is 4 today!!! As soon as she woke up this morning, we said Happy Birthday and she responded with "mom, are you serious, is it my birthday?"  Here are some pics of our  morning, she wanted to go eat at the bakery so we went to Wasgau and got her favorite, cheese pretzels!!!

More pictures to come later...every birthday Mom takes the little one shopping, just me and them and they pick out their present, so later on this afternoon, Abby and I are going  shopping, she says she wants to go downtown and get some clothes!!!  Should be fun!


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Abby!!! - You are getting soooo big!!! Hope you had fun shopping and we expect some modeling pictures of your new clothes! Aunt Dee
