Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Birthday Party and a Quilt!

So...Emma has this stuffed animal "Beary", that used to be Sergio's when he was little, and Sergio told Emma that it was Beary's birthday so Emma said she had to have a party for "Beary".  I am thinking ok, fine whatever you want to do, well Sergio encourages her by buying bday supplies telling her we need a cake, presents, etc...So "I" think he was a little crazy to have all of this for a stuffed animal, but the kids had lots of fun!  Here are some picture of our night!

My Second quilt is finished, yeah!!! This one was a little easier I used the same fabric (Figgy Pudding by Moda) just a different design.  This one is going to be a Christmas present.  IT is not too big, just big enough to lay on the couch with!  (pictures are a little crooked..Emma was my picture taker)


Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Wizard of Oz!

This is the girls watching the movie, "the Wizard of Oz"  They were hiding underneath the couch and would peek out every once and awhile, they were scared of the monkey's and the witch!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!


My First FINISHED Quilt!!

I finally finished my first quilt that I have been working on, I am happy with it, not exactly what I wanted, I wanted to do a swirly pattern but my sewing machine just wouldn't do it right, so I quilted it with straight lines.  I was going to give as a gift for xmas, but may keep it myself, since it is my first, I am not sure yet.

The back of the quilt                             The front of the quilt


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well, we just got back from a 4 day trip to Barcelona, we went along with some friends of ours and their little boy who is 1 1/2 and we had a great time. Here are some photos of just a few of our adventures.

A fountain in a park near the Barcelona zoo.

Our dinner, at the restaurant "Asador", we ordered the sucking pig, and this what we got, the whole pig, it was good, Sergio even had a little taste of the brain, and he said it wasn't too bad.

One of the markets in Barcelona, Sergio was ordering some ham, which costs 59 Euros a Kg, but it was really good, very salty.

One of Gaudi's famous buildings.

Noah and his bull fighting hat!

Me, outside the Sagrada Familia, also one of Gaudi's projects, started in 1882 and it is still under construction today, it is supposed to be finished in 2025!

The Arco De Triumfo

Some of Abby's favorite things in Barcelona

  • "the rocket" (it was a building shaped like a rocket, Torre Agbar

  • "the bus"

  • "the wallet" (abby bought a wallet that said Barcelona on it)

  • "the castle" (it was really a church)

What Abby didn't like about Barcelona

  • "the bedroom"
  • "the pillow"
  • "the food"
  • "I didn't like the castle so much"

Some of Emma's favorite things about Barcelona

  • "the market"
  • "the hotel just not the room"
  • "the busride"
  • "walking around and seeing stuff"
  • "like that little tower thing, that lights up, that's really cool"

Some things that Emma didn't like

  • "our room"
  • "I didn't like walking alot"
  • "not really sleeping in my bed"
  • "I wanted the weather to be hot"

These are the things that Noah liked

  • "Emma"
  • "me"
  • "me"

What Noah didn't like about Barcelona

  • "abby"
  • "emma"
  • "daddy"
  • "mommy"

Some of my favorite things in Barcelona

  • The buildings were amazing, some old, some newer, my favorite buildings were the ones designed by Gaudi.
  • The people, they were so nice to us and to the kids, 2 different places gave chocolate to the kids. However, sometimes they were too nice, outside a Mcdonalds this old Lady, told me in Spanish that Noah should be sitting when eating ice cream, so she went and got him a spoon and napkin and sat noah down on the sidewalk to eat his icecream, even after I told her about a hundred times, "no, thats ok". Overall the people were great!
  • the weather of course, 70 degrees and sunny, beautiful for November!
  • Having a Starbucks every day was really a treat.
  • Having the opprotunity to try new foods.
  • The shopping, there were a ton of shops!
  • The market was probably my favorite, very fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, meat, it all look delicious, we tasted coconut, ham, apples and grapes and they were all very good.

Some things I didn't like about Barcelona

  • Having to wake up at 3:30 in the morning to catch the flight to Barcelona (when you fly cheap this is the kind of tickets you get) Not so fun.
  • the food was very unusual, stuff I would never have the opprotunity to try, I ate Octopus, not so good, and a sucking pig, overall I did not like the food, but it was fun to try new things.
  • putting 5 people in a hotel with one queen size bed for three nights!!! I don't think I have to explain this one.

Overall, we had an awesome trip to Barcelona and I am so very thankful that I get the opprotunity to explore the world with my amazing family!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

This is what we do, when we have nothing to do!!

The kids, mainly Emma and Abby have been begging for me to make them look like their stuffed toys, Ms. Chatterbox and Little Miss Sunshine, so today we really didn't have anything to do, so we decided to give it a try, and this is what we came up with... oh and Noah is Mr. Bump.

The hair is courtesy of me and the painting it courtesy of Sergio, don't they look cute :)

A Few more sewing projects...

Here are a few of the sewing projects that I have been working on this week...

A Birthday shirt for Noah...

A Birthday shirt for one of Emma's friends...

Inside of BDU bag...

The outside of the BDU bag, a present for xmas for someone..
This weekend I am working on my first quilt, and right now I am wondering what have I gotten myself into, oh is already started, hopefully you will see pictures of it soon. Have a good weekend!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I finally finished my first clothing project, I made skirts for the girls and matching shirts. I got the idea from a tutorial on I am very happy with how they turned out, I had some extra fabric so I made an extra skirt for Emma, I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Now if I just had a fabric store here!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Off to the Dentist!!

Today we had our annual trip to the Dentist, every year the base has one Saturday where they do a walk in clinic for kids. We always take our kids because this means no appointment to make (which is very hard to do here) and it also means all 3 kids get done at one time!! We were there for 3 hours!! There were a lot of kids today, but we got our goal accomplished. Here are some pictures of our day!

I never got a picture of Emma because Sergio had the camera with Abby and Noah.

Our New Blog!!!

Hello Everyone,

So... I decided to start a blog for a couple reasons, to let all our friends and family know what is going on in OUR lives, another reason is that I am so bad documenting the things the kids do, I thought this would be a good way to do it, the last reason was to show off my new hobby of sewing. I love it, and actually have become quite addicted to it.

With that being said, I hope you all enjoy, and please let me know if you have a blog!
